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It looks really good, do you plan on drawing characters too?

Thanks! I might try adding characters at some point but I specialize on environment works in first place. So there will definitively be more environment assets in future for this theme but not so such about the characters. 

WIll there be more asset packs that fit this theme ? 

Yes definitively. What would you be interested seeing next for this style?

Either more interiors or matching exteriors you had some nice mockups on your twitter .

Ok, thanks!

(1 edit)

Just wanted to say how freaking fantastic this is! Been doing a lot of interior work myself (at a much lower rez), so I have an idea of the amount of work and love that went into this.

Keep it up, really amazed at the quality of these interior assets!



Hey thanks fellow interior pixelartist colleague :)
I checked, your stuff too. Love the simplicity and the clearness in your works! Hope to see more of your works too! 
